SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.

SolaX Secures Triple Victory at EuPD Top Brand Awards in PV and Energy Storage

Shanghai, 26th September – SolaX was honoured with three prestigious awards at the EuPD Research Awards Ceremony: "Top PV Brand in Vietnam," "Top PV Brand in Southeast Asia," and "Top Energy Storage Brand in Southeast Asia." These accolades reflect SolaX's outstanding performance in the photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage sectors and highlight the company's dedication to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.


EuPD Research is a globally recognized authority in renewable energy market research, known for its stringent selection criteria. The awards focus on key aspects such as brand influence, product quality, market share, and customer satisfaction. SolaX's recognition across all these categories showcases its strong market presence and consistent delivery of high-quality products. This achievement is a testament to the trust and confidence that customers and partners have in SolaX, built over years of delivering innovative and reliable energy solutions.


Central to SolaX's success is its philosophy of relentless innovation and pursuit of excellence. With over 12 years of expertise in energy storage, SolaX pioneered Asia's first hybrid inverter. Since going public in 2024, the company has focused on advancing technology while ensuring product robustness and dependability. A significant portion of its resources—30% of the team—is dedicated to research and development. This commitment has resulted in the creation of five generations of advanced products and over 150 patents, securing SolaX's place among the top three global residential energy storage systems in terms of quality and technology.


Upon receiving the awards, Jerry Cui, SolaX Regional Director for Asia and Africa stated, "Winning these EuPD awards means the world to us. It shows that SolaX is at the forefront of the PV and energy storage market. This boosts our reputation globally, especially in Southeast Asia, and strengthens our role as a trusted partner in delivering smart, clean energy. This recognition drives us to keep pushing the limits and make sure our customers always get the best in technology and service."


Looking ahead, SolaX is committed to making power smarter, greener, and more accessible. The company plans to expand its strategic presence in Southeast Asia and beyond, focusing on technological innovation to further enhance the performance and reliability of its PV and energy storage systems. By doing so, SolaX aims to play a pivotal role in the global energy transition, offering solutions tailored to the diverse needs of communities around the world.

But for SolaX, this journey goes beyond just delivering products—it's about building a sustainable future. Grounded in a strong belief in innovation, excellence, and ethical practices, SolaX is dedicated to creating win-win scenarios for its customers, partners, and the planet. As a leader in energy storage solutions, the company strives to make clean, efficient, and intelligent energy a reality for all, driving the world toward a greener future.

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SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
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