SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
Green Technology
Green Technology

Intelligent monitoring: Utilizingadvanced technologies such as theSolax Cloud. which can monitor andmanage energy use in real time toimprove energy efficiency and

reduce waste.

Carpon emission management:Solax has received TUy RheinlanoCarbon Footprint Certification, weaccurately track and optimize ouemission levels to achieve carborneutrality faster.

Green Supply Chain
Green Supply Chain

Supplier assessment: Prioritizesuppliers of environmentallyfriendly materials and promotethe greening of the supplychain. SolaX was recognized asa Green Supply ChainManagement Enterprise.

Transportation optimization:Solax reduces carbon emissionsin the supply chain process byoptimizing transportation routesand adopting low-emissionlogistics methods.

Green Product Line
Green Product Line

Sustainable design: Ourproducts focus on the use ofrenewable materials from thedesign stage to ensure that theenvironmental impact of theentire production process isminimized.

Product recycling: We areestablishing a comprehensiveproduct recycling system toreduce e-waste and reduce ourdependence on natural resourcesby recycling materials.

SolaX Sustainable Goals

Achieve a 30% reduction in overall carbon emissions by enhancing energy efficiency to lower resource consumption.


Establish a comprehensive circular economy system, achieving at least a 50% waste recycling and reuse rate.


Realize carbon neutrality across all operations and promoting the protection and restoration of ecosystems globally.


SolaX Sustainable Strategy

Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Carbon Neutrality

Achievecarbon neutrality in operationsand supply chain by 2035through renewable energyadoption and energy efficiencyinitiatives.

Sustainable Design

IncreaseR&D investment in sustainabletechnology by 20% to driveinnovation in renewable energysolutions and energy efficiency

Energy Management

Reducemonthly water usage to below7.700 tons and cut electricityconsumption to below 1.51 millionkWh per month.

Supply Chain Responsibility

Ensure by 2030 that every link inthe supply chain complies withinternational standards, focusingon human rights,lapor practicesand environmental impact.

Community Contribution

Increase investment in communitydevelopment proiects aimed atsupporting local economies anoeducation in underprivilegedregions.

Employee Development

Achieve a diverse workforce withat least 40% of leadership positions held by underrepresented groups. promoting diversity and inclusionin decision-making.

Governance Transparency

Establish an independent ESG committee to oversee andevaluate the company's performance and publish a comprehensive ESG reportannually.

Stakeholder Engagement

Collect feedback through surveys, focus groups, and publicforums to ensure stakeholders'voices are incorporated into decision-making processes.

Compliance & Ethics

Develop aglobal unified corporate ethicsstandard and establish an anonymous reporting mechanismto encourage employees to report suspicious behavior.

Contact Now

For any complaints orsuggestions regarding ESG, suchas environmental issues, businessethics, or forced labor, pleasefeel free to contact us at anytime.

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SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
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